In the rise of escalating interest rates, you might be thinking of refinancing your home loan. It is in our opinion that you should engage a home specialist. And these are why:
They have done the research
You definitely know this already, researching for home loans is certainly very important. You may start looking around for the best home loans from the banks and finance companies. However, it is very time consuming plus you may feel that it is very complicated. Tenure, SIBOR, fixed rate, lawyer fees etc, these may seem like an alien language. This is where home loan specialist' value add came about. Besides having done their research from various financial institutions, they are often eager to spend time with you to explain to you all the intricacies of getting a home loan. So why now, get free research and save time at the same time.
Save ourselves from being swayed by persuasive financiers.
Furthermore, getting information from the banks or financial institutions directly may not be the best option either. Besides the obvious of being time consuming, as you have to contact them one by one, we are often putting ourselves at the risk of being influence by these slick talking financiers. Having spoken to one, there is a great chance of them convincing us that their bank have given us the best deals. Their examples of happy clients and their sales tactic may just swayed us to make second rated decisions.
Their only vested interest in your successful home loan application
Home loan specialist are people who gain commissions from the banks by introducing clients to them. As they are compensated by their successful signing of clients by the bank, most of these specialist have done their homework before hand. They are ready to recommend the best deals for home owners. They are typically not biased towards any bank as after all commission will still come in. They are most concerned about us agreeing to sign up through their recommendation.
As such, why not utilise all their knowledge, ask all our questions.
Here is where you may find home loan specialist. Go to and type best home loans. You will be presented with various search results, avoid the banks and go for those results that offer you free comparisons such as:
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