Candles v.s. Diffuser – Nook and Cranny

Candles v.s. Diffuser

The case for candles of diffuser, which should you use at your home?


Lighted candles set the mood for the whole house, it's more than just fragrance.  Though it's more dangerous so called, who can resist its glowy beautiful charm?

Sweet tantalising fragrance coming out from such beautiful object, is really quite hard to resist.  

Candles, especially quality candles, can be pricy.  Should price be of no object, candles will win hands down.



Diffuser gives out amazing fragrance without the dangers of fire.  In a home filled with children this is definitely the clear winner.

While it is inexpensive to purchase, the accompanying oil could be costly.  Quality oil is essential, as fragrance is being absorbed into the body, it affects your mood and your concentration, a good investment will go a long way.


It is easier to use diffuser and change the fragrance frequently.  Simply replace the water and change the oil and there you have it.  Unlike candles which you would need to purchase a new candle or you would need to finish the old candle fragrance before changing them.  

So which is your preference?


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